Thursday, February 19, 2009

Predicting the Financial Crisis

International Monetary Fund

Image via Wikipedia


Better a fox than a hedgehog

    Now who should we listen to?

    CAN we blame the “experts” for not predicting the financial crisis? I don’t know of any scientific method that could have perfectly called and timed it. Some things were very troubling—global imbalances and the housing bubble—but did it have to get this bad? There were probably a myriad of ways it might have played out, some even worse, some better (remember the IMF hoping for a happy and gradual unwinding). How can you predict a tepid, inconsistent government reaction (economists suffered a touch of hubris there) and market panic? Human behaviour is tough to predict and when humans try to anticipate what other humans will do—you can get a big mess. Philip Tetlock, a professor of organisational behaviour at the…..

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