Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Google Revenue Equation, and Why Google’s Building Chrome OS

Google Chrome

Image via Wikipedia

July 11th, 2009 | by Ben Parr

It’s only been a few days, but it feels like weeks since Google (Google) announced Google Chrome OS and stirred up the blogosphere and the imagination of techies and Microsoft haters everywhere. The response, the analysis, and the debate has been constant ever since. Can it beat Windows? Can it even run Photoshop?

Two days ago, we profiled the ongoing battle between Microsoft and Google, focusing on areas where the two companies compete. Almost everyone has framed Google Chrome OS as a direct competitor to Microsoft Windows. But I am about to argue that this is the wrong way to view Chrome OS.

Google’s goal isn’t to have the majority market share. The goal is to force you on the web more and for longer. Why? It’s all part of Google’s simple equation to monetize the world.

The Google Revenue Equation, and Why Google’s Building Chrome OS

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