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Jun 26 2009, 3:30 pm by Daniel Indiviglio
The July issue of Rolling Stone has an article about a different type of rock star: the Goldman Sachs investment banker. The article, called "The Great American Bubble Machine," was written by Matt Taibbi. In it, he viciously attacks Goldman Sachs through a series of arguments, blaming the bank for engineering virtually every bubble, and pseudo-bubble, that has plagued the economy over the past hundred or so years.
I can't link to the article, because Rolling Stone does not put their content online. But it's an amusing read, so you might want to pick up a copy. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was pretty nonpartisan and well-researched. I found myself agreeing with a fair amount of the article as well, but I think it ventures a little too far out into conspiracy theory land.
Is Goldman Sachs the Root of All Evil? - The Atlantic Business Channel