Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ten must-have Google Chrome extensions

Image representing Google Chrome as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase
by Sebastian Anthony

With the Chrome Extensions gallery now fully up and running, the number of awesome extensions is multiplying at a rapid rate. What I've tried to do here is offer up the best, most useful and the must-have extensions for Google Chrome.

To use the extensions you will need to install the Beta if you're under Windows, or the Developer build for Mac. Linux users will also need the Beta version. Google has a quick walkthrough that I suggest you read, if you're new to extensions -- but mostly, it's just a matter of installing the Beta (30 seconds), clicking the links in this article and hitting 'yes'. Easy enough, right?

The main thing you'll notice from this list of extensions is that all the big Firefox add-on developers are now on-board with Chrome. It's still very early days but the offerings are already surprisingly extensive. There's something for everyone in this list, I assure you.

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