Wednesday, December 16, 2009

World Crisis: No Bailout Will Stop It

Emirate of Dubai

Image via Wikipedia

Author: Mac Slavo

This seems to be the norm these days, so it’s no surprise. Certain entities, for whatever reasons, are bailed out, while others suffer the collapse of their wealth for trusting in the belief that asset prices always go up forever.

As Real Estate Collapse (Wave One)  in the US proved, no asset will appreciate all the time. Like Dubai, the underlying assets in America, Europe, and even China have been slowly simmering for the last year or so. And once the public gets a taste of the toxicity, there will be no stopping the panic as everyone in just about every asset class decides to run for the exit.

When the panic does start, it may be an event perceived to be too-small-to-matter, like a Dubai that exposes several larger global players, which leads to a domino effect that will echo through the entire financial markets. It may start with debt defaults in an  Euro Zone country like Greece or Hungary, or maybe with commercial real estate or Wave Two of the Mortgage Meltdown in the US. It could be a geo-political event  with Iran and Israel, or a terrorist attack on a Saudi Arabian pipeline.

Right now, the world is on edge. The citizens of the US, as well as the global public don’t really know who to trust to tell them the truth. They are on alert, consciously or subconsciously, and if they perceive even a small threat, the fight-or-flight system will be activated.

World Crisis: No Bailout Will Stop It

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