Tuesday, September 1, 2009

South Africa: Private Healthcare 'Likely to Implode'

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Chantelle Benjamin
DEPUTY Health Minister Molefi Sefularo extended a reconciliatory hand to the private healthcare sector yesterday, saying that the government would welcome its assistance in implementing the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme, but warned it would go ahead regardless.
Sefularo told the annual conference of the Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) at Sun City that the NHI was integral to the African National Congress's health policy and was consequently one of the department' s priorities along with overhauling the health system and improving its management and revitalisation of infrastructure .
"We have made it clear that we are determined to implement our 10- point plan and this health plan of action with speed," he said, adding that the NHI was a big part of that plan. He acknowledged the medical aid schemes' knowledge of the private healthcare sector, saying their expertise and experience would be needed for the implementation of NHI.
He warned, however, that private healthcare and the South African medical aid industry in their present form were "likely to implode because they are not sustainable".
allAfrica.com: South Africa: Private Healthcare 'Likely to Implode' (Page 1 of 1)
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