Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Your Facebook Inbox Could Soon Get Much More Interesting

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase
by Adam Ostrow
Recently, MySpace (MySpace) launched a new feature for its millions of users: webmail. While it’s unclear if Facebook plans to follow suit any time soon, some new features the social network is announcing this afternoon could make member inboxes a bit more interesting, by way of third-party applications.
Facebook has introduced two new APIs: Inbox and Notifications. For users, what this means is that developers could soon launch desktop applications that integrate features like checking your messages and receiving app notifications. For example, an app like TweetDeck  (TweetDeck) or Seesmic Desktop (Seesmic Desktop) could now offer alerts when any of these activities take place on Facebook.
Your Facebook Inbox Could Soon Get Much More Interesting
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